
Prakim of the Talmud

310 prakim.
112127 unique n-grams of size 1.


This plot shows the individual prakim of the Talmud. Most of the prakim of Brachos and Shabbos comprise a wholly distinctive cluster, while the other prakim form subsections of a large cluster. Not all the prakim of the same masechet appear next to each other!

Amudim of the Talmud

5350 amudim.
112522 unique n-grams of size 1.
180521 n-grams of size 2. (Removed 572684 that only appeared in one text.)
164825 n-grams of size 3. (Removed 1002596 that only appeared in one text.)
123580 n-grams of size 4. (Removed 1198009 that only appeared in one text.)


This plot shows an interesting result: most pages of the Talmud are not that differentiable from each other! Most of the amudim do not form isolated clusters, other than those of Brachot + Shabbos, and Nedarim + Niddah + Sotah.
We believe this is because of the repetition of common words/phrases in the Talmud.
Nevertheless, even among the large central cluster, we can still see general groupings of different masechtot and topics.

We believe this can be extremely useful as a pedagogical aid! If you've begun learning a certain page of gemara, you can search for it here, and then pan over nearby amudim to find ones that have similar vocabulary/word usage.