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Each of the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch is in a separate, primary cluster.
Each of those sections is surrounded by its commentaries.
The Kaf HaChaim is near the Mishnah Berurah. According to Wikipedia: "Kaf HaChaim is often compared to the Mishna Berura in terms of scope and approach, but differs in its more extensive reliance upon quotations."
The Dagul Mervava is next to the Yad Efraim. The two were known to be in correspondence!
Not far off from these two are the Eshel Avraham and Shaarei Teshuvah, who lived in the same time and place (Poland/Galaica, end of 18th/beginning of 19th century).
The Magen Avraham on Orach Chaim is near three of its subcommentators: Machazitz haShekel, Levushei Serad, and Rabbi Akiva Eiger. The latter is also near Turei Zahav (the Taz), upon which Rabbi Akiva Eger wrote commentary.
The Be’ur HaGra and Be’er HaGolah are both terse commentaries whose main purpose is to provide cross-references, hence their separation from the rest of the supercommentaries and their proximity to one another.