All Sefaria

All Books of Sefaria

This plot shows every individual book in Sefaria.

4338 texts.
1923441 unique n-grams of size 1.


This comprehensive plot shows distinct clusters, identifiable by author, topic, or language.

  • For example, all the Targum texts, in Aramaic, are together on the left.
  • Authors whose works are collected into multiple sfarim (e.g. Rashash, Hon Ashir) comprise their own clusters.
  • Almost all of Tanach clusters together (search for Amos). The rishonim who comment upon them, cluster together nearby.
  • The cluster in the middle demonstrates less differentiable texts. Instead of one author who uses unique language, we have texts surrounded by commentaries upon them (e.g. Mishneh Torah broken into sections, with subcommentaries upon them; by searching for "Nazir", we can see the Mishna surrounded by texts on the topic).

In order to zoom in on different sections, we created specialized plots on separate pages. For some, we further broke down the texts (e.g. into prakim or amudim) in order to get a more fine-grained view of the texts.